Get Multiple Projects
Returns the compact project records for some filtered set of projects. Use
one or more of the parameters provided to filter the projects returned.
*Note: This endpoint may timeout for large do
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_MULTIPLE_PROJECTS])
Create A Project
Create a project within a specific workspace or organization, which is unchangeable
post-setup. If it's an organization, assign a team. You'll receive the full
record of the new project.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_CREATE_A_PROJECT])
Get A Project
Returns the complete project record for a single project.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_A_PROJECT])
Update A Project
Update an existing project by making a PUT request with the `data` block
to change specific fields. Unspecified fields won't be altered. Careful
updates prevent overwriting others' changes. Th
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_UPDATE_A_PROJECT])
Delete A Project
A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request on
the URL for that project. Returns an empty data record.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_DELETE_A_PROJECT])
Duplicate A Project
Creates and returns a job that will asynchronously handle the duplication.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_DUPLICATE_A_PROJECT])
Get Projects A Task Is In
Returns a compact representation of all of the projects the task is in.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_PROJECTS_A_TASK_IS_IN])
Get A Team S Projects
Returns the compact project records for all projects in the team.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_A_TEAM_S_PROJECTS])
Create A Project In A Team
Creates a project shared with the given team. Returns the full record of
the newly created project.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_CREATE_A_PROJECT_IN_A_TEAM])
Get All Projects In A Workspace
Returns the compact project records for all projects in the workspace. *Note:
This endpoint may timeout for large domains. Prefer the `/teams/{team_gid}/projects`
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_ALL_PROJECTS_IN_A_WORKSPACE])
Create A Project In A Workspace
Creates a project in the workspace. If the workspace for your project is
an organization, you must also supply a team to share the project with.
Returns the full record of the newly created pr
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_CREATE_A_PROJECT_IN_A_WORKSPACE])
Add A Custom Field To A Project
Custom fields are associated with projects by way of custom field settings.
This method creates a setting for the project.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_ADD_A_CUSTOM_FIELD_TO_A_PROJECT])
Remove A Custom Field From A Project
Removes a custom field setting from a project.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_REMOVE_A_CUSTOM_FIELD_FROM_A_PROJECT])
Get Task Count Of A Project
Retrieve task count data by opting in with `opt_fields`. By default, no
fields are included. Note rate limits apply and fields impact cost limits.
Milestones count as tasks in various totals.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_GET_TASK_COUNT_OF_A_PROJECT])
Add Users To A Project
Adds users to a project as members and potentially followers based on their
default notification settings. Updates and returns the project record.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_ADD_USERS_TO_A_PROJECT])
Remove Users From A Project
Removes the specified list of users from members of the project. Returns
the updated project record.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_REMOVE_USERS_FROM_A_PROJECT])
Add Followers To A Project
The operation adds users as followers to a project, enabling them to receive
"tasks added" notifications. Non-member users become members through this
process, and an updated project record is
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_ADD_FOLLOWERS_TO_A_PROJECT])
Remove Followers From A Project
Removes the specified list of users from following the project, this will
not affect project membership status. Returns the updated project record.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_REMOVE_FOLLOWERS_FROM_A_PROJECT])
Create A Project Template From A Project
New Asana API job creates project templates asynchronously; templates API-accessible
but not in UI until Project Templates 2.0 release, details in forum post.
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ASANA_CREATE_A_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_FROM_A_PROJECT])