List Applications
Enumerates apps added to your organization with pagination. A subset of
apps can be returned that match a supported filter expression or query.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_APPLICATIONS])
Add Application
Adds a new application to your Okta organization.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ADD_APPLICATION])
Delete Application
Removes an inactive application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_DELETE_APPLICATION])
Get Application
Fetches an application from your Okta organization by `id`.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_APPLICATION])
Update Application
Updates an application in your organization.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_UPDATE_APPLICATION])
Fetches The Default Provisioning Connection For An Application
Get default Provisioning Connection for application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
Sets The Default Provisioning Connection For An Application
Set default Provisioning Connection for application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
Activate Default Provisioning Connection For Application
Activates the default Provisioning Connection for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
Deactivate Default Provisioning Connection For Application
Deactivates the default Provisioning Connection for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
List Certificate Signing Requests For Application
Enumerates Certificate Signing Requests for an application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_REQUESTS_FOR_APPLICATION])
Generate Certificate Signing Request For Application
Generates a new key pair and returns the Certificate Signing Request for
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
Delete Csr By Id For Application
Deletes a specific CSR (Certificate Signing Request) by its `csrId` for
an application identified by `appId`. Requires API token for authentication.
Successful deletion returns a 204 No Conten
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_DELETE_CSR_BY_ID_FOR_APPLICATION])
Fetch Csr Details For App Credential
Fetches the CSR details for a specific application credential identified
by `appId` and `csrId`. Requires an API token. Returns CSR data including
creation date, ID, and key type.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_FETCH_CSR_DETAILS_FOR_APP_CREDENTIAL])
Publish Csr Lifecycle For App With Certificate Details
Publishes a CSR's lifecycle for a specific app, requiring API token security.
Accepts appId and csrId in the path. Returns newly created certificates
with details including keys and timestamps
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_PUBLISH_CSR_LIFECYCLE_FOR_APP_WITH_CERTIFICATE_DETAILS])
List Key Credentials For Application
Enumerates key credentials for an application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_KEY_CREDENTIALS_FOR_APPLICATION])
Generate X509 Certificate For App Key
Generates a new X.509 certificate for an application key credential
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GENERATE_X509_CERTIFICATE_FOR_APP_KEY])
Get Key Credential For Application
Gets a specific application key credential by kid
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_KEY_CREDENTIAL_FOR_APPLICATION])
Clone Application Key Credential
Clones a X.509 certificate for an application key credential from a source
application to target application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_CLONE_APPLICATION_KEY_CREDENTIAL])
List Client Secrets
Enumerates the client's collection of secrets
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_CLIENT_SECRETS])
Add New Client Secret
Adds a new secret to the client's collection of secrets.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ADD_NEW_CLIENT_SECRET])
Remove Application Secret
Removes a secret from the client's collection of secrets.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REMOVE_APPLICATION_SECRET])
Get Client Secret
Gets a specific client secret by secretId
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_CLIENT_SECRET])
Activate A Client Secret
Activates a specific client secret by secretId
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ACTIVATE_A_CLIENT_SECRET])
Deactivate A Client Secret
Deactivates a specific client secret by secretId
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_DEACTIVATE_A_CLIENT_SECRET])
Fetches The Feature Objects For An Application
List Features for application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_FETCHES_THE_FEATURE_OBJECTS_FOR_AN_APPLICATION])
Fetches A Feature Object For An Application
Fetches a Feature object for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_FETCHES_A_FEATURE_OBJECT_FOR_AN_APPLICATION])
Updates A Feature Object For An Application
Updates a Feature object for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_UPDATES_A_FEATURE_OBJECT_FOR_AN_APPLICATION])
List Application Scope Consent Grants
Lists all scope consent grants for the application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_APPLICATION_SCOPE_CONSENT_GRANTS])
Grant Oauth20 Scope Consent For App
Grants consent for the application to request an OAuth 2.0 Okta scope
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GRANT_OAUTH20_SCOPE_CONSENT_FOR_APP])
Revoke Application Permission
Revokes permission for the application to request the given scope
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REVOKE_APPLICATION_PERMISSION])
Fetch Single Application Consent Grant
Fetches a single scope consent grant for the application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_FETCH_SINGLE_APPLICATION_CONSENT_GRANT])
List Groups Assigned To Application
Enumerates group assignments for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_GROUPS_ASSIGNED_TO_APPLICATION])
Remove Group From Application
Removes a group assignment from an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REMOVE_GROUP_FROM_APPLICATION])
Get Assigned Group For Application
Fetches an application group assignment
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_ASSIGNED_GROUP_FOR_APPLICATION])
Assign Group To Application
Assigns a group to an application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ASSIGN_GROUP_TO_APPLICATION])
Activate Application
Activates an inactive application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ACTIVATE_APPLICATION])
Deactivate Application
Deactivates an active application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_DEACTIVATE_APPLICATION])
Image File Requirements
Update the logo for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_IMAGE_FILE_REQUIREMENTS])
Update Application Policy
Assign an application to a specific policy. This unassigns the application
from its currently assigned policy.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_UPDATE_APPLICATION_POLICY])
Revoke All Application Tokens
Revokes all tokens for the specified application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REVOKE_ALL_APPLICATION_TOKENS])
List Application Tokens
Lists all tokens for the application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_APPLICATION_TOKENS])
Revoke Application Token
Revokes the specified token for the specified application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REVOKE_APPLICATION_TOKEN])
Get Specific Application Token Details
Gets a token for the specified application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_SPECIFIC_APPLICATION_TOKEN_DETAILS])
List Users Assigned To Application
Enumerates all assigned [application users](
for an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_LIST_USERS_ASSIGNED_TO_APPLICATION])
Assign User To Application For Sso Provisioning
The text outlines the process of assigning a user to an application, involving
the application of profile mappings defined for the application and any
specified profile properties through prov
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_ASSIGN_USER_TO_APPLICATION_FOR_SSO_PROVISIONING])
Remove User From Application
Removes an assignment for a user from an application.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_REMOVE_USER_FROM_APPLICATION])
Get Assigned User For Application
Fetches a specific user assignment for application by `id`.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_GET_ASSIGNED_USER_FOR_APPLICATION])
Update Application Profile For Assigned User
Updates a user's profile for an application
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.OKTA_UPDATE_APPLICATION_PROFILE_FOR_ASSIGNED_USER])