Upload Photo
Upload a new photo to a specified SmugMug album.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.UPLOAD_PHOTO])
Create Album
Create a new album in SmugMug with specified settings.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.CREATE_ALBUM])
Add Watermark
Apply a watermark to one or multiple photos in SmugMug.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ADD_WATERMARK])
Share Gallery
Generate and share a link to a specific SmugMug gallery.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.SHARE_GALLERY])
Change Privacy Settings
Modify the privacy settings for an album or individual photo.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.CHANGE_PRIVACY])
Delete Photo
Remove a specific photo from a SmugMug album.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.DELETE_PHOTO])
Create Collection
Create a new collection to organize multiple albums in SmugMug.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.CREATE_COLLECTION])
Move Photo
Move a photo from one SmugMug album to another.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.MOVE_PHOTO])
Generate Print
Create a print order for a specific photo in SmugMug.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.GENERATE_PRINT])
Rotate Photo
Rotate a photo in SmugMug by a specified degree.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ROTATE_PHOTO])
Apply Filter
Apply a preset filter or effect to a photo in SmugMug.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.APPLY_FILTER])
Set Cover Photo
Set a specific photo as the cover for an album or gallery.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.SET_COVER_PHOTO])
Create Slideshow
Generate a slideshow from selected photos in an album.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.CREATE_SLIDESHOW])
New Photo Uploaded
Triggered when a new photo is uploaded to a specified album.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.NEW_PHOTO_TRIGGER])
Album Created
Triggered when a new album is created in SmugMug.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ALBUM_CREATED_TRIGGER])
Photo Favorited
Triggered when a photo is marked as a favorite by a user.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.PHOTO_FAVORITED_TRIGGER])
Album Shared
Triggered when an album is shared with other users.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.ALBUM_SHARED_TRIGGER])
Print Order Placed
Triggered when a print order is placed for a photo.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.PRINT_ORDER_TRIGGER])
Gallery View Count Milestone
Triggered when a gallery reaches a specific view count milestone.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.VIEW_COUNT_MILESTONE_TRIGGER])
Photo Download
Triggered when a photo is downloaded by a user.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.PHOTO_DOWNLOAD_TRIGGER])
Watermark Added
Triggered when a watermark is applied to a photo.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.WATERMARK_ADDED_TRIGGER])
Album Privacy Changed
Triggered when the privacy settings of an album are modified.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.PRIVACY_CHANGED_TRIGGER])
Collection Created
Triggered when a new collection is created to organize albums.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.COLLECTION_CREATED_TRIGGER])
Photo Moved
Triggered when a photo is moved from one album to another.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.PHOTO_MOVED_TRIGGER])
Slideshow Created
Triggered when a new slideshow is generated from album photos.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.SLIDESHOW_CREATED_TRIGGER])
Account Storage Limit Reached
Triggered when the user's SmugMug account reaches its storage limit.
from composio_langchain import ComposioToolSet, Action
tool_set = ComposioToolSet()
tools = tool_set.get_tools(actions=[Action.STORAGE_LIMIT_TRIGGER])