Guide to Evaluating Large Language Models: Metrics and Best Practices

llm evaluation

A model is only as good as the metrics used to evaluate it.

Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed AI with their ability to process and generate human-like responses. These models can now tackle complex problems, but how do we know if they deliver reliable, actionable insights? The key lies in precise evaluation. Like any machine learning model, you should rigorously test LLMs to ensure accuracy, trustworthiness, and relevance.

This blog delves into the multifaceted world of LLM evaluations, exploring methodologies, detailed evaluation metrics, challenges, and emerging trends. So let’s get started!

Why Evaluate Large Language Models?

The concept of LLM evaluation encompasses a thorough and complex process necessary for assessing the functionalities and capabilities of large language models.

Evaluating LLMs involves various criteria, from contextual comprehension to bias neutrality.

The critical reasons to emphasize evaluations include the following:

  • Performance Benchmarking: Assessing how well models perform on standardized tasks compared to existing models.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring outputs are coherent, relevant, and error-free.
  • Ethical Compliance: Detecting and mitigating biases, toxicity, or other harmful outputs.
  • Research Advancement: Identifying strengths and weaknesses to guide future model improvements.
  • Application Suitability: Determining the appropriateness of models for specific real-world applications.

Modern LLMs are strong, handling tasks like chatbots, recognizing named entities (NER), generating text, summarizing, answering questions, analyzing sentiments, translating, and more. These models are often tested against standard benchmarks like GLUE, SuperGLUE, HellaSwag, TruthfulQA, and MMLU using well-known metrics.

Let’s discuss these key evaluation benchmarks: 

BenchmarksDescriptionReference URL
GLUE BenchmarkGLUE (General Language Understanding Evaluation) benchmark provides a standardized set of diverse NLP tasks to evaluate the effectiveness of different language modelsGLUE
SuperGLUE BenchmarkIt’s a tougher set of tasks that pushes models to handle more complex language and reasoning.SuperGLUE
HellaSwagChecks if an LLM can use common sense to predict what happens next in a given scenario. It challenges the model to pick the most likely continuation out of several options.HellaSwag
TruthfulQAMeasures truthfulness of model responsesTruthfulQA
MMLUMMLU ((Massive Multitask Language Understanding) evaluates how well the LLM can multitaskMMLU

Evaluating LLMs through these benchmarks provides a solid foundation for understanding model capabilities. However, to truly gauge performance, we must delve deeper into the specific metrics used to measure these models’ effectiveness across various tasks.

Let’s explore the different LLM evaluation metrics essential for a comprehensive evaluation.

Types of LLM Evaluation Metrics

Selecting the right evaluation metrics is crucial for determining whether an LLM is suitable for a given task. These metrics help developers and product teams make data-driven decisions, optimize models, and align AI performance with business needs.

1. Response Completeness and Conciseness

LLMs often generate long-form text in response to queries, but evaluating how well they balance completeness and brevity is critical. 

This is especially important in applications where concise communication is key (e.g., summarization tasks).

  • Completeness: Measures whether the generated response fully covers the necessary information for a given prompt. Incomplete answers can lead to critical gaps in user interactions.
  • Conciseness: Determines whether the response is succinct while retaining necessary details. Overly verbose responses are often penalized in user satisfaction evaluations.

2. Text Similarity Metrics

These metrics quantify how “close” the generated response is to the expected one, often using distance-based calculations.

BLEU BLEU score is a precision-based measure, and it ranges from 0 to 1. The closer the value is to 1, the better the prediction.bleu
ROUGERecall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation, is a set of metrics and a software package used for evaluating automatic summarization and machine translation software in natural language processing.rouge
METEORUses synonym matching and stems to measure similarity, focusing more on meaning than exact n-gram matches.meteor

3. Question Answering Accuracy

For LLMs deployed in Q&A systems, accurate answers are paramount. Accuracy is a widely used metric for classification tasks, representing the proportion of correct predictions made by the model.

  • Exact Match (EM):
    • Usage: Checks if the generated answer exactly matches the ground truth.
    • Pros: Simple and straightforward.
    • Cons: It doesn’t allow for paraphrasing.
  • F1 Score:
    • Usage: Harmonic mean of precision and recall at the token level.
    • Pros: Accounts for partial correctness.
    • Cons: Can be misleading for very short or long answers.

For implementation, standard benchmarks like SQuAD and TriviaQA provide datasets and scripts for calculating these metrics.

4. Relevance

Relevance measures how appropriate the response is concerning the input prompt.

  • Cosine Similarity:
    • Usage: Measures similarity between vector embeddings of input and output.
    • Pros: Captures semantic similarity.
    • Cons: Sensitive to vector representations used.
  • Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR):
    • Usage: Evaluate the rank of the first relevant result.
    • Pros: Useful in information retrieval contexts.
    • Cons: Less informative when multiple relevant results exist.

You can use embedding models like BERT and GPT to generate embeddings for these relevance assessments.

5. Hallucination Index

Determines whether an LLM output contains fake or made-up information. 

They are instrumental in building retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) applications in which an LLM summarizes facts. 

HHEM can measure the extent to which this summary is factually consistent with the original facts, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

The Hallucination Index offers a structured approach to assessing and measuring hallucinations, intending to help teams build more trustworthy GenAI applications.

Knowledge Consistency Evaluation:

  • Usage: Checks the consistency of generated content against a knowledge base.
  • Pros: More nuanced, can detect subtle inaccuracies.
  • Cons: Depends on the completeness of the knowledge base.

6. Toxicity

Ensuring that LLMs do not produce toxic or harmful content is critical, especially in user-facing applications.

Toxicity Score:

  • Usage: Assigns a probability that the text is toxic.
  • Tools: APIs like Google’s Perspective API.
  • Pros: Quantifies toxicity.
  • Cons: May have biases or false positives.

Hate Speech Detection:

  • Usage: Classifies text into hate speech categories.
  • Pros: Specific targeting of hate speech.
  • Cons: Requires extensive labeled data.

These evaluations are necessary to ensure that LLMs operate within ethical guidelines.

7. Human Evaluation

The evaluation process includes enlisting human evaluators who assess the quality of the language model’s output. These evaluators rate  the generated responses based on different criteria, including: 

  • Relevance 
  • Fluency 
  • Coherence 
  • Overall quality. 

Human evaluation complements automated metrics, offering nuanced insights into model performance that machine-generated evaluations may overlook.

With a wide range of evaluation metrics available, the key is selecting those that align best with your model’s intended use and goals. Let’s now look at how to choose the most relevant metrics for your specific application.

Choosing the Right Evaluation Metrics

Metrics can vary significantly depending on the aspect of the LLM you wish to assess—comprehension, generation, or task-specific performance. 

We’ll review each method and discuss the best approach to evaluate LLMs.

1. Statistical Metrics

Statistical metrics are quantitative measures that provide a numerical basis for evaluating model performance. They are generally model-agnostic and rely on mathematical formulations.

Common Statistical Metrics:

  • Accuracy: The proportion of correct predictions over total predictions.
  • Precision and Recall: Measures for classification tasks that handle class imbalance. Precision measures how many selected items are relevant, while recall measures how many relevant items the model selects.
  • F1 Score: The harmonic mean of precision and recall.
  • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Commonly used in regression tasks to measure prediction errors.

2. Model-Based Metrics

Model-based metrics focus on assessing how well a model performs in relation to its intended task.

A. Perplexity in Language Modeling

Perplexity is a fundamental metric for evaluating and measuring an LLM’s ability to predict the next word in a sequence. This is how we can calculate it:

  1. Probability: First, the model calculates the probability of each word that could come next in a sentence.
  2. Inverse probability: We take the opposite of this probability. For example, if a word has a high probability (meaning the model thinks it’s likely), its inverse probability will be lower.
  3. Normalization: We then average this inverse probability over all the words in the test set (the text we are testing the model on).

It calculates the exponential of the average log-likelihood of a sample:


  • N is the number of words in the test set.
  • P(xi​) is the probability assigned by the model to the i-th word.
  • A lower score means better performance. 


  • Perplexity focuses on word prediction without considering whether the generated text makes sense contextually.
  • It may favor common words, leading to inflated performance scores, especially in imbalanced datasets.
  • Perplexity may not reliably reflect performance when comparing models with different tokenization or architecture approaches.

B. BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)

BLUE compares machine-translated text to one or more reference transitions and evaluates the quality of the text.

  • How It Works:
    • Calculates the overlap of n-grams (contiguous sequences of words) between the generated text and reference translations.
    • Applies a brevity penalty to discourage overly short translations.


  • BP refers to the Brevity Penalty.
  • Wn​ refers to Weight for n-gram level (usually uniform)
  • Pn​ refers to Precision of n-grams

Scores range from 0 to 1, with higher scores indicating a better match. However, BLEU can be inaccurate in evaluating creative or varied text outputs.


  • Doesn’t account for synonyms or semantic meaning.
  • Sensitive to exact wording; penalizes valid but differently worded translations.
  • Less effective for languages with flexible word order.

C. ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation)

ROUGE focuses on recall: it checks if the machine-generated text captures all the important ideas from the human reference. It measures the overlap between the two summaries, with higher scores indicating better summarization. ROUGE is often used in text summarization tasks.


  • ROUGE-N: Measures n-gram overlap
  • ROUGE-L: Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between the generated and reference texts.
  • ROUGE-S: Skip-bigram co-occurrence statistics.

Similar to BLEU, it doesn’t account for semantic equivalence or paraphrasing.

  • How It Works:
    • The machine-generated and human reference summaries are broken down into smaller units called tokens: words, sequences of words (n-grams), or sentences.
    • ROUGE calculates the number of matching units between the generated summary and the reference summary.
    • The metric computes scores based on the overlaps to determine how well the generated summary captures the important content from the reference. The higher the overlap, the better the score.


  • The ROUGE Score metrics may encounter challenges in capturing semantic nuances and contextual variations within the source material.
  • Variations in style, such as using active vs. passive voice, can affect the score. Minor differences in wording can lead to lower overlap counts, penalizing the generated text.
  • Since ROUGE focuses on recall, it may favor longer summaries that include more content, even if some of it is irrelevant.

D. METEOR (Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering)

METEOR is a machine translation evaluation metric, which is calculated based on the harmonic mean of precision and recall, with recall weighted more than precision.

It is based on a generalized concept of unigram matching between the machine-produced translation and human-produced reference translations

How It Works:

  • Consider exact word matches, synonyms, and stemmed variations.
  • Aligns generated text and reference text, scoring based on matches and word order.


  • Computationally more intensive than BLEU or ROUGE.
  • Requires language-specific resources like synonym databases.

E. BERTScore

BERTScore evaluates texts by comparing the similarity of contextual embeddings from models like BERT, focusing more on meaning than exact word matches.

How It Works:

  • Computes token-wise similarity scores using cosine similarity of embeddings.
  • Aggregates scores across the entire text to produce precision, recall, and F1 scores.


  • Computationally expensive due to the need for deep neural network computations.
  • It may require fine-tuning for specific domains or tasks.

In practice, you can use a combination of metrics to get a comprehensive evaluation by capturing different performance aspects.

Having carefully considered choosing the right evaluation metrics for your language models, the next step is to leverage tools and frameworks that can effectively implement these metrics in practice.

Let’s explore some of the most popular evaluation frameworks and tools that emerged or gained prominence in 2024.

With the growing complexity of models, selecting the right tools and frameworks becomes essential for meaningful assessments. These platforms offer valuable insights into model performance, helping developers fine-tune their LLMs for accuracy, efficiency, and ethical considerations. 

Below, we explore some of the most widely used tools in the field, each designed to address specific evaluation needs and challenges.

Prompt Flow: 

Prompt Flow is designed to optimize prompt development, testing, and evaluation for LLMs. It focuses on helping engineers fine-tune prompts for better performance and more accurate outputs.

  • Visual Workflow Construction: Allows developers to build and visualize how prompt flows impact model responses.
  • Multi-Prompt Evaluation: Test and compare different prompt variations to identify which produces the most accurate or relevant output.
  • Model Integration: Directly integrates with various LLMs, enabling seamless prompt tuning across multiple models.

Weights & Biases:

Weights & Biases is a robust platform tailored for ML engineers. It enables them to track experiments, manage models, and visualize performance in real-time.

  • Experiment Tracking: Log detailed experiment data to track model performance across various runs and parameter sets.
  • Model Versioning: Maintain strict version control for LLM models to ensure reproducibility and easy rollback.
  • Real-Time Performance Visualization: Visualize key metrics and trends to quickly identify areas for optimization.


LangSmith is a specialized tool focused on debugging, testing, and monitoring LLM applications. Developed with prompt engineers and developers in mind, it offers deep insights into how LLMs process and generate responses.

  • In-Depth Debugging: Identify where prompts or model outputs fail, allowing for rapid troubleshooting.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Conduct unit and integration tests on LLMs to ensure stability and performance.
  • Live Monitoring: Continuously track the performance of LLMs in production environments, identifying issues in real-time.
  • Analytical Insights: Detailed analysis of LLM behavior helps engineers optimize responses and improve model accuracy.


DeepEval is a simple-to-use, open-source LLM evaluation framework for evaluating large-language model systems

  • G-Eval Integration: Evaluate the general quality of text generation across various tasks.
  • Hallucination Detection: Identify instances where the model generates incorrect or fabricated information.
  • Answer Relevance: Assess the relevance and accuracy of the model’s responses, especially in Q&A systems.
  • Local Evaluation: Runs locally on your machine, enabling fine-tuned control over evaluation without relying on external APIs.

OpenAI Evals: 

OpenAI introduced an open-source framework to facilitate the evaluation of its own and others’ models. It allows users to create custom evaluation workflows and contributes to a community-driven approach to model assessment.

  • Ground Truth Comparisons: Evaluate generated outputs against predefined correct answers, ensuring model accuracy.
  • Extendable Datasets: Modify and expand datasets to test more diverse use cases and scenarios.
  • Advanced Completion Testing: Experiment with various strategies, such as chain-of-thought prompting, to enhance model output

While these evaluation tools provide valuable means to assess LLMs, integrating them into your workflows can be time-consuming and complex. Composio, a leading platform for AI agent and LLM integration, simplifies this process by offering a unified environment for managing diverse AI services. 

Best Practices for LLM Evaluation

Researchers and practitioners are exploring various approaches and strategies to address the problems with large language models’ performance evaluation methods.

Here are some recommendations that could ensure a coherent and holistic assessment of LLMs, illuminating their true capabilities and potential areas for improvement:

  • Diverse Datasets: Ensure that the evaluation datasets encompass a wide range of topics, languages, and cultural contexts to test the model’s comprehensive capabilities.
  • Multi-faceted Evaluation: Instead of relying on a single metric, use a combination of metrics to get a more rounded view of a model’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Implement Continuous Monitoring and Iteration:  Make evaluation an ongoing process by continuously monitoring model performance and updating it based on new data and user feedback.
  • Real-world Testing: Beyond synthetic datasets, test the model in real-world scenarios. How does the model respond to unforeseen inputs? How does it handle ambiguous queries?
  • Evaluate for Bias and Toxicity: LLMs can produce biased or harmful content. Always include fairness and toxicity checks using tools like Google’s Perspective API or custom bias-detection frameworks to ensure ethical AI behavior.
  • Regular Updates: As LLMs and the field of NLP evolve, so should evaluation methods. To stay current with advancing technology, regularly update benchmarks and testing paradigms.

After ensuring your LLMs are finely tuned through comprehensive evaluation, the next step is to bring those models to production efficiently. Composio bridges the gap between evaluation and real-world deployment by simplifying the integration process. With its robust support for function calling and tool integration, you can connect your evaluated models to a wide range of enterprise tools in minutes, allowing you to focus on refining performance instead of managing technical overhead.

Challenges in LLM Evaluation

While existing evaluation methods for Large Language Models (LLMs) provide valuable insights, they are not perfect. The common issues associated with them are: 

1. Training Data Overlap and Contamination

LLMs are often trained on vast datasets scraped from the internet, which can unintentionally include test or evaluation data within the training corpus. This overlap can artificially inflate performance metrics during evaluation because the model has already encountered the data.


  • Implement rigorous data filtering techniques to remove evaluation data from training sets.
  • Use adversarial test sets explicitly designed to avoid overlap.

2. Adversarial Attacks and Unexpected Inputs

LLMs are vulnerable to adversarial inputs—crafted prompts designed to manipulate or confuse the model into generating incorrect or harmful responses. These inputs can lead to unexpected behaviors, making it difficult to evaluate the model’s robustness.


  • Integrate adversarial testing frameworks that simulate various types of malicious inputs.
  • Employ continuous monitoring and testing to adapt to evolving adversarial strategies.

3. Performance Inconsistencies

LLMs may exhibit inconsistent performance across tasks, user inputs, and even hardware configurations. For example, a model might perform well on one dataset but struggle with another that is similar in scope. These inconsistencies make it hard to assess the overall reliability of the model.


  • Perform multi-dimensional evaluation across diverse datasets and environments.
  • Use model-specific benchmarks tailored to the target application to better gauge performance variability.

4. Biases and Ethical Considerations

LLMs inherit biases from their training data, which can result in generating biased, harmful, or ethically questionable content. This raises concerns, especially in sensitive domains such as hiring, legal systems, or social media.


  • Implement bias detection metrics and ethical auditing tools during model evaluation.
  • Use diverse and representative training datasets and establish governance frameworks for ethical LLM usage.

5. Evaluating Long-Context Retention

LLMs often struggle with retaining and using context effectively over long interactions or across complex documents.

Their performance may degrade as the context window grows, which is particularly problematic for tasks like summarization, legal analysis, or multi-turn conversations.


  • Use long-context benchmarks specifically designed to test context retention and coherence.
  • Develop hierarchical models or memory-augmented LLMs to handle long-range dependencies.

The Integration Challenge

While evaluating LLMs is essential, integrating them into applications poses its own set of challenges:

  • Connecting LLMs to various tools and systems can be time-consuming.
  • Managing different frameworks and LLM providers complicates development.
  • Handling secure authentication for multiple users and agents adds overhead.

How can developers efficiently integrate LLMs into their applications while overcoming the complexities of tool compatibility, authentication management, and scalability?

This is where Composio steps in. Composio addresses these challenges by providing a developer-first platform that simplifies the integration of LLMs and AI agents into your existing workflows.

Why Choose Composio?

  • Connect LLMs to tools quickly using function calling, reducing development time.
  • Supports over 10 popular agentic frameworks and works with all LLM providers, ensuring compatibility regardless of your tech stack.
  • Easily integrate with tools like GitHub, Salesforce, file managers, and code execution platforms.
  • Handle authentication for all users and agents from a single dashboard.
  • Designed to handle the demands of large-scale applications.

Next Steps? Visit Composio’s website to experience firsthand how Composio can enhance your workflow.


Evaluation is a continuous quest.

As we transition deeper into this AI-driven era, the demand for rigorous, adaptable, and ethically grounded evaluations surges. The benchmarks we establish today will sculpt the AI breakthroughs of tomorrow.

With this knowledge, you are better equipped to select and implement LLMs that best meet your needs, ensuring optimal performance and reliability within your chosen applications.

Introduction to Evaluating Large Language Models

1. Significance of LLMs in Modern Applications

2. Importance of Evaluation for Ensuring Model Reliability

Types of LLM Evaluation Metrics

1. Response Completeness and Conciseness

2. Text Similarity Metrics

3. Question Answering Accuracy

4. Relevance

5. Hallucination Index

6. Toxicity

7. Human Evaluation Metrics

Choosing the Right Evaluation Metrics

1. Categories of Metrics: Statistical and Model-Based

2. Faithfulness and Answer Relevancy

3. Contextual Precision and Recall

4. Bias and Toxicity Detection

5. Use Case Specific Metrics

1. Widely Used Platforms: Prompt Flow, Weights & Biases

2. Other Notable Tools: LangSmith, DeepEval

3. New Entrants: OpenAI Evals, H2O LLM EvalGPT

Best Practices for LLM Evaluation

1. Importance of Continuous Evaluation

2. Curating Benchmark Tasks and Datasets

3. Leveraging Standard and Custom Templates

4. Human Evaluations: Guidelines and Avoiding Bias

Specific Contextual and Task-Based Evaluation

1. Industry and Use-Case Specific Scenarios

2. Handling Sensitive Content and Ensuring Safety

3. Real-World Applications and Practical Implications

Challenges in LLM Evaluation

1. Training Data Overlap and Contamination

2. Adversarial Attacks and Unexpected Inputs

3. Performance Inconsistencies

4. Biases and Ethical Considerations


1. Summary of Key Points

2. Future Trends in LLM Evaluation

3. Final Thoughts on Effective Evaluation Practices

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